This is my 1st post after mid year exams. again, i'm at the airport, but this time i can have the time in the world to blog cos im using jas's laptop! woohoo! haha..anyway, my com is dusting away & still not fixed so i can't go online at all nor express my opinions on my blog.Mayb this is a blessing in disguise to show that i should just devote my life to mugging... and... ermm... mugging? HAHA...i think i finally caught the MJC spirit! MUGGER!Hell yea!-_-"
anyway, life has been rather mundane lately..i think if i'm an outsider reflecting myself i'll find myself a boring person! lol. but yea, post midyears aren't exactly the most exciting time of the year. Just one statement about my results, if you see it as a joke.
" I think i have this misconception that getting more Us means closer chances for me to enter the University!"
sure, it's effing disappointing, i spent the whole of yesterday mourning over the lack of marks i've got. (maybe i still think that i'm sitting for O levels, where the lesser the no., the better the L1R5.) haha, nahh, maybe i'm treating this as a joke now but deep down i know i'm already panicking and becoming what you would say as GAN CHIONG SPIDER. yea, alright i should get back to vectors now, just wanna bid farewell to the cyber world! (till my com gets fixed again)
and eff, it doesnt help being in emo mode every now and then...
But well, come what may, I still have no choice my work my arse off for the upcoming A levels, like it or not. The outcome of the game will not be determined until the very end. So, there's still a glimmer of hope :)
8:35 PM <3